Bereavement & Loss

The symbolic Leaf pin is worn to show the world you are in mourning. The Leaf can be worn by anyone, at any time, not just in the early days of bereavement. You might want to wear it on an anniversary or just to let people know you are having a sad day. If someone asks you about the Leaf you can say it’s a mourning pin. The leaf pin costs £3.99 (which includes postage and packaging).
Judy is frequently requested to give her Bereavement and Loss workshops at short notice when there has been bereavement in a Home. Many carers and residents have found this workshop particularly helpful.
Some of the topics that Judy covers are:
Differences in Grief, Bereavement and Mourning
Identifying different losses
In depth understanding of the stages of grief
What makes bereavement more difficult?
Cultural differences in bereavement
Appropriate memorials
Supporting grieving service users and carers
Effective listening skills
How to communicate with grieving families
What to say and what not to say
Judy is an Accredited Bereavement Counsellor with Cruse the National Bereavement Charity and is the co author of The Essential Guide to Bereavement - Beyond Tomorrow (Jessica Kingsley) chosen to be on the 2018 Reading Well Adult Mental Health reading list, The Reading Well scheme is a national programme that recommend books for libraries and to be recommended by health services.