Our Training
ELM have many years of experience in the subjects mentioned below, as well as offering bespoke workshops.
All workshops are held on your premises and can be tailored to suit individual client needs.

End of Life
Legal and ethical issues
Advance Care Planning and the impact of the Mental Capacity Act
Identify major cultural and religious differences
Be given guidelines on communication with families and those at the end of their life
Bereavement & Loss
Identifying different losses
In depth understanding of the stages of grief
Cultural differences in bereavement
Appropriate memorials
Supporting grieving service users and carers
Effective listening skills
How to communicate with grieving families
What to say and what not to say
Dementia Care
Types of Dementia
Effects of Dementia on the Individual
Planning Activities
Understanding Behaviour viewed as Challenging
Person Centred Approach
The effects of Caring for People with Dementia